Function | Command | Note |
create a session | tmux new -s Session1 |
list sessions | tmux ls |
attach to a session | tmux attach -t Session1 |
kill a session | tmux kill-session -t Session1 |
leader key within tmux | ctrl a |
split window into panes v/h | ctrl a \| or - |
resize pane | ctrl a then i/j/h/k |
maximize pane | ctrl a m |
create a window in a session | ctrl a c |
navigate windows | ctrl a 0/1/p/w |
list windows | ctrl a w |
rename a window | ctrl a , |
list sessions | ctrl a s |
navigate sessions | k or j |
exit a session | tmux detach |
install plugin | ctrl a I |
reload configuration | ctrl a r |
copy mode | ctrl a [ then use k/j/ctrl+u/d/b/f/shift+k/j to select and v/y to copy, or mouse scrolling, use ctrl c to exit copy mode |
detach from a session | ctrl a then d |
avoid nested tmux sessions on remote server | ssh -t user@remote 'tmux attach-session -t 0' or ssh -t user@remote 'tmux attach' |
Above uses ctrl a
and other custom setting from the great TMUX Dev Flow configuration by Josean Martinez